Open House and Quilters Garage SaleThe Studio has garage sale ads in the Seattle Times, Craigslist, Issaquah Press, and Sammamish Review all this week, so we're looking forward to a good turn-out. There are only a few tables left so email me right away to reserve one. You'll need to arrive at the Studio at 9 a.m. to give you time to set up, and you should be able to take down your table between 2-2:30 p.m. I'm excited and am really looking forward to seeing each of the tables see a good day of sales. The Studio will also be having it's Fall Open House, so if you are not interested in a table for your own quilting world, please come by to pick up a Fall Class Schedule and see what we have. The Studio will also be having a "garage sale" with fabrics, kits, books, patterns, supplies, and even quilt racks (pictured). I look forward to seeing you on Saturday! Mo Quilt with Mo Studio p.s. We'll be accepting donations of non-perishable food items for the Issaquah Food Bank |